Three Key Tips for Removing Graffiti Safely

Posted on: 27 December 2019

Grafitti is vandalism. It lowers the value of your property. If taggers paint on your walls, your building will lose its appeal. Although some people argue that it is art, it often defaces the building. The painting may be offensive and may not go with your colour scheme. Professional graffiti removal can help you get rid of graffiti. There are several ways you can remove a tag. Use of solvents and power washing are some of the means of cleaning off graffiti. Removing graffiti takes time and effort. The dust and solvents used can be harmful to your health. You must use safe graffiti methods. Here are three tips to remove graffiti safely. 

Wear Protective Gear 

Whether using water or solvents, it is essential to wear protective clothing. Safety glasses and gloves will protect your eyes and hands. The solutions used in graffiti removal can cause dizziness and intoxication. They can damage blood vessels and the heart. An extended exposure can make you lose consciousness or even result in death. Wearing a face shield protects your face from dust and chemical splashes. If chemicals get into your eyes, they can cause irreversible damage. Dust from concrete and breaks could get into your lungs and make it difficult for you to breath. Apart from the face shield, you should wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.  


When dealing with graffiti, remove the tag immediately once you notice it. Leaving it for too long will encourage vandals to put more tag on your wall. That means that you will have more graffiti by the time you decide to get it cleaned. It will be harder to get rid of it the more there is. It is cheaper to clean the small amounts of graffiti. 

The Wall 

Graffiti removal methods can easily damage the wall. If you use a power washer, do not use a narrow tip. A thin tip will etch the wall surface and leave an outline of the graffiti. Ensure that you use enough pressure so that it does not leave a shadow.  When using acetone, ensure that you wipe so that it does not leave smudges. Use enough and at the correct strength. Paint splotches make the wall unappealing, and the stains will look worse than the graffiti. When removing graffiti on concrete walls, test the acetone on an inconspicuous area. It will enable you to check whether you are using the right strength acetone.  


Graffiti removal will help keep your ensure that your building remains aesthetically appealing. Ensure that you move it promptly for best results.  
