• Metal Fabrication: Three Fundamental Tips for Promoting Quality Welding

    Welding is a critical aspect of metal fabrication that allows for the formation of stable and permanent connections between different components. In general, if this process is carried out correctly, the integrity of your metal product, structure or equipment will be exceptional. Therefore, if you are preparing for this type of fabrication, it is important to hire qualified welders for the task. This will ensure the integrity of your welds and minimise problems such as distortion, cracking and inconsistency.
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  • What Happens When Oil Is Collected?

    Waste oil collection is an important part of any country's strategy to reduce its carbon footprint and to make a contribution to bringing down rising global temperatures. This is certainly the case in Australia where waste oil collection is mandatory in certain sectors before recycling processes can begin. For example, all of the oil should be collected from a vehicle before its metal is extracted for its scrap value. That said, several processes need to go on following a successful waste oil collection before it can be reused.
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