A Comparison Between Powder Coating and Lamination

Posted on: 1 November 2017

It can be difficult for some inexperienced people to select the best surface finish for their products from the available options. Some of the alternatives include spray painting, lamination and powder coating. This article discusses some of the reasons why it may be better for you to opt for powder coating instead of lamination.

Environment of use 

Lamination is recommended for products that will be used exclusively indoors. This is because the materials applied during the lamination process are susceptible to being damaged by the elements. However, powder coated products can be used indoors or outdoors. This makes powder coating a superior surface finish because it widens the possibilities of where your products can be used.

Colours and special effects

Powder coating also shows its superiority over lamination when you consider the colours that are available with either option. The range of colours that one can have with powder coating is almost limitless while lamination offers limited colour options. Various surface textures can also be selected during the powder coating process. The same is not applicable for lamination.


The powder coating process can also be automated fully. This can reduce the total cost of the project since less labour will be required. Conversely, lamination is labour-intensive, which makes the process more costly. The limited application of automated processes can also affect the turnaround time of laminated products.

Waste generation

Anyone who is concerned about environmental sustainability should be hesitant in opting for lamination. This is because the process is wasteful. For example, the excess lamination materials on the seams of products have to be shaved off and discarded. Such wastes consume a lot of space in landfills since they aren't biodegradable. Powder coating is a better alternative because the process generates less waste since the coating process uses predetermined amounts of materials. The wastes produced are therefore minimal.


Powder coats are more durable than lamination. This durability can be explained by the weather resistance of powder coats as compared to the susceptibility of laminated products to being damaged by moisture or UV radiation. The seams of laminated products can also fail if they are subjected to abrasive forces.

It is evident that powder coating has several advantages over lamination. However, these benefits can only be enjoyed if you select an expert who will apply the right powder coat on your particular surface. Talk to a manufacturer for more information.
