How to Design Effective Banners for Important Holidays

Posted on: 16 March 2015

If you're taking the time and effort to create a banner for a big holiday, you want to make sure that you pay attention to how you design it, so it is both effective and successful. What are the important considerations here?

What's the Purpose?

A vinyl banner can be a great way to celebrate a variety of events, such as an important holiday, a family reunion or to make an announcement related to your family business. Many people choose to make celebratory banners around Christmas time and they can be tailor-made in order to send a particular message from your family, or business. Either way, it is important to determine the actual purpose of the banner before proceeding.

Your Three Goals

In the case of an event celebration you're looking to achieve three goals. First and foremost, of course, you're announcing the event. To be more precise in the case of a holiday like Christmas, you're announcing your participation in the event's global celebration. Secondly, you're looking to generate excitement surrounding the festive season (for example) and thirdly, you want to create ambiance at the location your banner is displayed. Whenever you are celebrating in this way take full advantage of bright colours, "script" type fonts (rather than block fonts with no serifs) and pictures.

Choose the Appropriate Sizing for the Location

Ensure that the banner is properly sized. While many people choose to display their vinyl banners at holiday time in the immediate proximity of a gathering or party, other people choose to create a banner that imparts a message to the general public. In the former case, size is not such an issue. However, if you have an external perimeter fence that overlooks a busy road then you could choose to hang the banner there. In this case, make sure it is of a sufficiently large dimension. If you have several lines of text then you should consider a banner that is at least a metre tall.

Make Sure Lighting is Adequate

Give consideration to lighting. If your chosen location happens to be poorly lit then you should choose colours that are extremely bright and contrasting, in order to make any impact at all. In other words, colours such as red upon yellow. As an alternative, you could make your banner out of reflective vinyl. Therefore, when any car headlights shine on it, or any other ambient light comes into contact with the banner, it will "light up" and highlight your message accordingly.

For more information, check out companies such as Carroll & Richardson.
